Naming Ceremony
A Naming Ceremony is a very special way of celebrating the birth of your child and gathering your family and friends together to welcome the new arrival. Any parent can make the arrangements to hold a Naming Ceremony. Likewise, anyone who has parental responsibility or legal guardianship of the child or children. Parents do not have to be married and can come from any cultural background, with any spiritual or religious beliefs or with none.
The Naming Ceremony can be for a child or children of any age - baby through to older child. Ceremonies can be specially created using the family's own selection of words, poems and readings from the wide selection provided. You may like to include the meaning of your child's name and why you chose it.
At the conclusion of the ceremony a beautiful naming certificate is presented to the parents. The appointed guardians / godparents and the grandparents are also issued with a certificate, acknowledging the important role they will play in the future development of the child.
tel: 0438 747 508